What We Do

The KAFCE Educational Program Committee in cooperation with your area and county FCE Educational Program Committee representatives and K-State Research Extension provide the following programs for the members in 2024.  These lessons are available to KAFCE members.  Non-members interested in these lessons should contact webmaster@kafce.org


Exotic Vegetables written by Ruth Shafer, KAFCE State EPC.  Educational Goals:   Participants will learn about nutrients of, how to grow, what varieties are available and the culinary preparation of Kohlrabi and Watermelon Radish.  Community Activities: Share lesson materials with community groups, plan community or food bank gardens using the vegetable seeds, and conduct culinary demonstrations and taste testing.  Lesson Description:  Many times, we select well known vegetables to prepare for our families.  This lesson will focus on lesser-known vegetables of Kohlrabi and Watermelon Radish which will add a new twist to our diet as well as providing added nutrients.  Both vegetables add color to our plate and can be consumed cooked or raw. This lesson includes a leader's guide with additional informational sheet and a member handout.  Additional Sheet



Lavender written by Tina Bailey, KAFCE State EPC.  Educational Goals: Learn to plant, tend, and use Lavender for health benefits, culinary and home decor.  Community Activities Take a trip to a Lavender farm.  Have a demonstration on using Lavender in decor.  Have a baking session using lavender.  Lesson Description:  Lavender is a bushy perennial shrub, member of the mint family and a native to the Mediterranean area.  There are many uses for this herb such as health benefits, culinary, and home decor.  This lesson includes a leader's guide, and member handout.



Senior Care written by Jennine Marrone, KAFCE State EPC. Educational Goals:   Learn the when, what and where to seek assistance. Learn of the options for Senior Care. Learn of the financial options for Senior Care.  Community Activities: Share lesson materials with community groups by having informative seminars with guest speakers and handouts.  Lesson Description:  Only 3.6% of those over 65 are in a nursing home.  Four in five older adults will battle chronic conditions.  Some of the most important concerns for seniors include health care costs, physical aging and financial security. This lesson includes a member handout.



Character Counts! - Citizenship NAFCE Essay and Artwork Contest, and lesson.  Educational Goals: Learn that basic citizenship is to pay attention.  Learn personal qualities of citizenship.  Demonstrate proper respect for the USA Flag.  Community Activities:  Assist with the voting process, assist with identifying community needs, support public informational forums for candidates and other community issues, participate in flag ceremonies, teach others to respect the flag, be welcoming to new community members.  This lesson includes three Leader's Guides:  the NAFCE Citizenship booklet, document written by Faye Spencer, KAFCE State Vice-President, and NAFCE Hearth Fire Series # 11: Someone's in the USA Showing Respect for the Flag. 

>>>>>>MOST OF ALL Do Random Acts of Kindness and Pay it Forward.<<<<<




The Silent Killer - Facts about Ovarian Cancer (NAFCE Hearth Fire Series # 77) Developed and written by Margaret Polen and Faye Spencer, presented at 2023 NAFCE Conference.  Educational Goals:  Understand there are three types of cells of the ovaries and three kinds of ovarian cancer cells.  Recognize the symptoms of ovarian cancer.  Recognize the difference between benign and malignant cancer.  Grasp the risks of ovarian cancer.  Learn to advocate for yourself.  Community Awareness:  Share lesson materials with community groups by having informative seminars with guest speakers and handouts.  Distribute teal colored cancer awareness ribbons.  Lesson Description:  Every year 12,810 women die from this insidious, silent killer.  Globally, the number rises to 207,000.  And women are not its only victims, men are as well. Who is this indiscriminate killer and why should we be concerned?  This lesson includes a leader's guide with a brochure.  Powerpoint.


KSU Lessons-

Make Active Habits Stick
Fact Sheet MF3622 https://www.bookstore.ksre.ksu.edu/pubs/MF3622.pdf  
Leader Guide MF3623

Managing the Strain of Stress
Fact Sheet MF3624 https://www.bookstore.ksre.ksu.edu/pubs/MF3624.pdf
Leader Guide MF3625

Pathways to a Healthy Kansas
Fact Sheet MF3626. https://www.bookstore.ksre.ksu.edu/pubs/MF3626.pdf
Leader Guide MF3627 https://www.bookstore.ksre.ksu.edu/pubs/MF3627.pdf