What We Do

Air Fryer written by Ruth Shafer, Kansas FCE State EPC. Materials include a Leader's Guide, Member Handout and Member Handout Recipes. Why would you want an air fryer? One important reason is to reduce the oil in our diet, and the convenience of preparing small amounts of food. They are safer than deep fryers and produces crispy and flavorful food quickly. The air fryers appear to be more popular with younger people, but their convenience has begun to appeal to older single or couples. Educational Goals: Participants will learn the basic types, factors that influence the selection of, cleaning techniques and how to convert conventional oven temperature and time to an air fryer. Community Awareness Activities: Present to organizations and individuals; older youth to seniors who will benefit by using an air fryer to reduce their fat intake and desire for the convenience.  Handout.


 Appreciating Generational Differences, FCL lesson presented at the 2023 National Conference. Additional material: Hearth Fire #36: Person to Person: Guidelines for Developing a Dynamic Group. Educational Goals The purpose of this program is to educate families and communities about the various thoughts and behaviors we develop based on our experiences while growing up. These thought patterns and behaviors can often be misunderstood or misinterpreted by others of younger or older generations. This lesson is to provide the opportunity to learn about generational experiences, and discuss how to prevent problems and move forward. This knowledge could be applied to Developing a Dynamic Group, and increase membership.


 Autism written by Jennine Marrone,  Kansas FCE State EPC. Additional leaders resource is the Hearth Fire #50: Woman To Woman...How Do We Talk about Autism? Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurological and development disorder that affects how a person interacts with others, communicates, learns and behaves. Although autism can be diagnosed at any age, it is described as a, developmental disorder,  because symptoms generally appear in the first 2 years. Educational Goals: At the end of this session, the participants will be able to understand: What is Autism Spectrum Disorder?   How is ASD screened and diagnosed?  What services are available?  Community Awareness Activities: Sponsor, volunteer and/or participate in the fundraiser, Autism Speaks Walk Spread kindness. Have a craft event, making sensory toys to distribute. Watch a movie or television show on autism, such as the biographic film, Temple Grandin, Character Counts! Trustworthiness,  National FCE Essay and Artwork Contest, and lesson. Leaders Guide written by Jennine Marrone, Kansas FCE State EPC. Educational Goals: Trust is the basis of all good relationships and a cornerstone of good character. We learn that trustworthy people keep their promises, are honest, reliable, principled, and never inappropriately betray a confidence. Community Awareness Activities: Present this lesson to fourth grade students of public, private or home school, or after school programs. Sponsor National FCE Essay and Artwork contest. Present lesson to other youth or adult groups. Create a display about trustworthiness.


 Sifting Through the FLOUR Bouquet written by Susan Gartrell, Kansas FCE State EPC. The lesson is designed to give a brief overview of the different types of flour available in supermarkets, or to be ordered online; and tips on how to substitute alternative flour for all-purpose flour in our favorite recipes. Educational Goals: To gain knowledge about an assortment of flour products and their best uses. To review the health benefits whole grains and flour bring to our diets. To discuss ways to replace gluten in favorite baked products. To broaden our baking experiences with flour sources from other cultures. Have members compare a recipe made with all-purpose flour verses another flour. Have a speaker share about baking with non-gluten flours. Have members each bring a baked product using the flour of their choice. Take a field trip to a home-based or commercial flour mill. (Chart)



Nourishing the Brain: Nutritional Recommendations for Combatting Neurodegenerative Diseases - Priscilla Brenes, State Specialist. In this lesson, participants will learn about the link between nutrition and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Participants will learn how specific nutrients can support brain and nerve health, reduce risks, promote overall well-being, and potentially slow disease progression. Leaders will teach evidence-based nutrition recommendations and practical insights to nourish the brain to promote quality of life. Educational Goals: Participants will be able to: Understand brain anatomy and its main functions; Identify foods that aid in cognitive function; Identify mealtime strategies to help people with Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.

Fact Sheet MF3661 https://www.bookstore.ksre.ksu.edu/pubs/MF3661.pdf
Leader Guide MF3662 bookstore.ksre.ksu.edu/pubs/MF3662.pdf


Protect Your Skin from the Sun - Ashley Svaty, Regional Specialist; Jessica Kootz, Extension Agent This lesson will share striking facts about skin cancer prevalence and give real life tips on how to protect yourself and loved ones from the sun's harmful UV rays year-round. Leaders will empower audiences with ways to not only protect themselves from UV rays, but also how to screen for skin cancer. Educational Goals: Learners will be able to: Understand the relevance of skin cancer and the causes of skin cancer; Understand how the sun damages skin; Identify ways to reduce their risk of skin cancer by utilizing everyday prevention tips; Confidently choose a protective sunscreen; Become motivated to incorporate sun safety into daily routines; Understand how to perform a skin cancer self-examination; and Become confident and motivated to schedule an annual skin cancer screening.

Fact Sheet MF3663 https://www.bookstore.ksre.ksu.edu/pubs/MF3663.pdf
Leader Guide MF3664 https://www.bookstore.ksre.ksu.edu/pubs/MF3664.pdf


 Understanding Hospice - Erin Martinez, State Specialist; Kathy Goul and Teresa Hatfield, Extension Agents Hospice care is a service provided to us through healthcare systems that is often misunderstood or misinterpreted. This lesson will help participants better understand hospice care vs. palliative care, the benefits of seeking hospice care, what to expect as a patient and how to overcome the barriers that prevent people from choosing hospice when it would be appropriate. Educational Goals: Participants will: Increase understanding of hospice, the benefits to the patient and family; how individuals qualify for hospice; and where to find a hospice provider,  Raise awareness of myths surrounding hospice; and Know how to start a conversation with their loved ones about hospice and end-of-life wishes.

Fact Sheet MF3656 https://www.bookstore.ksre.ksu.edu/pubs/MF3656.pdf
Leader Guide MF3657 https://www.bookstore.ksre.ksu.edu/pubs/MF3657.pdf










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